PAINT: Leishmania Sexual Reproductive Strategies As Resolved Through Compuational Methods Designed for Aneuploid Genomes |
MAIN INDEX ANALYTICAL PIPELINE CONTACT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AGELESS Package Example Data | Generate Ploidy MatrixThis utility finds the chromosomal somies in each sample. Assumes all the samples are diploid.Prerequisites1) Align the fastq files to the reference genome of interest using your favourite aligner (Bowtie, BWA, Novoalign etc.)2) Sort the generated Binary alignment map (BAM) file using samtools 'sort' function 3) Generate an coverage files using findReadDepth utility of PAINT. Place all the coverage files in one directory How to Run it?The ConcatenatedPloidyMatrix utility of PAINT package takes coverage files generated using findReadDepth utility of PAINT and determines the somies. Type java -jar PAINT.jar ConcatenatedPloidyMatrix utility -h for options.
Command Examplejava -jar PAINT.jar ConcatenatedPloidyMatrix -i "..\DemoData\readDepth\" -o "..\DemoData\otherFiles\concatPloidyMatrix.txt"OutputThe output of the listAlleles program looks as follows: